If you have a wonderful GF chicken recipe to share, please post it here.
11/20/2009 10:04:54 am

This is my families favorite chicken recipe. Chicken thighs often go on sale and I buy as many as I can and keep them in my freezer.

2/3 Cup GF Soy Sauce
1/4 Cup Canola Oil
2 TBS Molassas
2 tsp. Ginger
5 cloves minced garlic

Mix marinade in a gallon-sized zip-top plastic bag. Add chicken thighs (3 or 4 lbs.) and marinate 3-4 hours or overnight. Place chicken on baking sheet. bake 1 hr. at 350 degrees. I serve this with rice and broccoli and save the juices from the chicken to pour over top of all.


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    My daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2000 when she was one year old.  Trying to get her diagnosed was a nightmare and by the time it finally happened, she looked like a third-world child and we were emotional wrecks.  But her diagnosis has opened the door for many other members of my family to finally get their own Celiac diagnosis and to get on the road to recovery.   We have learned through experience, that the earlier you are diagnosed, the better off you are since much of the damage can be irreversible if allowed to go untreated for so long.  Thanks to so many people in the Celiac community working to promote awareness of the disease, more and more people are being diagnosed and the products and services available to Celiac's have come a very long way.  But when you are first diagnosed, it can be overwhelming and living gluten-free is challenging in so many ways.  So don't try to re-invent the wheel.  Share what you have learned and glean what you can from others.  Let's work together to improve our quality of life.


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